Tuesday, February 26, 2013


       Everyone hates being sick. I have been sick for the past week, and it has certainly made life difficult. It started on Sunday night with a terrible fever that gave me chills one minute and had me sweating the next. It was an awful night, and I didn't go to classes Monday because of it. As the week progressed and classes dragged by, I slowly got better, but still had a nagging cough. My head hurt at time, sometimes I would have a stuffy nose, and by Saturday my voice was gone.

       However, Friday was a great day! Friday I had a really bad splitting headache, but when I drank some Gatorade and played some volleyball, I felt great! For dinner my wife and I went a place called Philly's with some friends. We had a great time and some great food. Our friends mentioned the Rave that was going on later that night. My wife and I weren't sure about going, but we said maybe we would. Later, my friend convinced me to go stating, "This is the last rave you will get to go to." I couldn't argue with that. So I went.The rave was so much fun! We danced until about 12:30 AM and had a great time. The next day was not so much fun though. I had to work from 12-7, and my voice was shot. I could barely talk with a scratchy smoker's voice. Working as a cashier at a grocery store requires a lot of talking, so that was fun. But the time passed quickly, and I survived.

        Church on Sunday was amazing! I had a big test in Microbiology on Monday to study for, but I realized that my wife and I need the support and refreshment of Sunday worship. Our pastor preached about how people know Christians by what we are against. How we are against drinking, smoking, adultery, and all these other things. He said that he is tired of Christians being known for stuff we are against, and we should strive to be known by what we are for. We as Christians are for love and joy in knowing that our Lord has set us free from the penalty of sin. We have a hope that we can share with the world, and we have a job to do that. His notes can be found on the church website: http://www.summitcharleston.com/#/home/sermon-notes.

Well, I do believe I have caught myself up on life for this past week. Here's to another day of life that God has blessed me with!

Friday, February 15, 2013

My Valentine

Well, here is a picture of how my Valentine's Day started yesterday! I got up before our classes and made my wife some lovely pancakes and bacon. We both thoroughly enjoyed this tasty breakfast, but that was only half of the surprise for my wife. The rest would come when she got off work.
I had purchased a delicious looking steak, some rolls, salad, and potatoes. I got off an hour early from my job as a tutor and went back to our apartment to make an unforgettable meal! I used recipes I looked up online for the mashed potatoes and to cook the steak. I had never cooked a steak before! To get to the point, everything turned out better than I could have imagined! The most surprising part was the steak. I heated the oven to broil and put a stainless steel pan on the stove top with high heat. I lathered the steak up with vegetable oil, salt, pepper, and meat tenderizer. When the mashed potatoes were done and my wife almost home, I put the steak on the pan for 30 seconds each side, then I put it in the oven for about 6 minutes. It smoked like crazy, but it tasted amazing! It was tender, warm red center, and no chewiness. It was probably the best steak I have ever had, and I loved the company even more! It was a simple, yet elegant night. We ate, relaxed, and watched the movie Pitch Perfect (great movie by the way).
Needless to say, this was the best Valentine's Day I've ever had in my life. It was not anything over the top or expensive, we didn't even get each other cards. However, it was the simple fact that we chose to show our love to each other through small gifts, serving each other, and spending quality time together as husband and wife.
Tonight is the Sadie Hawkins Dance. It is going to be a great night, and we'll be going out to eat, dancing the night away, and having a good time with some of our closest friends. Here's to a good night and another great day to be living and enjoying God's creation!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What happened to the power?

So, I work at a local grocery store here and today was different. We were pretty busy throughout the day with Valentine's Day being tomorrow, but something we didn't expect happened. I worked the closing shift and about an hour before closing time, OUR POWER WENT OUT!! It immediately came back on, but my register's computer was dead, and lines started to form at checkout. My manager was frantically running around trying to disconnect and reconnect the computers and trying to get an IT guy on the phone to figure out how to get the system back online. It was a hectic way to end the night at work, especially since I wasn't feeling well when I went into work, and I am extremely tired now. 
On the bright side, tomorrow is Valentine's Day! I have a special surprise for my wife. This is our first Valentine's Day as a married couple, and I want it to be special and memorable. I will probably have a post tomorrow night about it if all goes well. Well, now I need to finish up some Physics homework for tomorrow and hopefully get a good night's rest. Here's to another day of my life.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Religion Class

Interesting note. Today, in my Life and Teachings of Jesus class our professor showed a video about what if Hollywood made the story of Jesus into a movie. Here is the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKJonM0fM54. Some of the people in the class really thought it was funny and enjoyed the comedy, others thought it was over the top and sacrilegious. I'm not sure what I think about it. At points it seems funny, but at other points it seems like it's making light of the impressiveness of Jesus' story. Sacrilegious means to grossly make irreverent something that is held sacred:http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sacrilegious I hold the story of Jesus to be sacred. So when this video makes fun of His birth and death for the sins of mankind, then I see it as sacrilegious. Just my opinion.

Monday, February 11, 2013


I've never been one to write a journal, but I figure the easiest way would be to start one online and share my thoughts, ideas, and beliefs where other people can see them. I probably won't ever post anything revolutionary on here, but I will seek to share some truth to those who seek it. If you are reading this and still feel interested, then you should know that I am God-fearing, Jesus following, and believe that He is the Son of God. If you have issues with my beliefs, I do not wish to insult you or for you to think that I discriminate against people. I believe God created this world, and that this world is fallen and that sin is prevalent throughout history and every society. I believe that Jesus died on a cross to rescue humans from their sins, and that all we as humans have to do is have faith that Jesus did die for our sins and we will receive eternal life free from sin when we die. I believe God loves all people, and it is my job to share that love with all people, but also to show them the truth about their sin and how to change.