Friday, February 15, 2013

My Valentine

Well, here is a picture of how my Valentine's Day started yesterday! I got up before our classes and made my wife some lovely pancakes and bacon. We both thoroughly enjoyed this tasty breakfast, but that was only half of the surprise for my wife. The rest would come when she got off work.
I had purchased a delicious looking steak, some rolls, salad, and potatoes. I got off an hour early from my job as a tutor and went back to our apartment to make an unforgettable meal! I used recipes I looked up online for the mashed potatoes and to cook the steak. I had never cooked a steak before! To get to the point, everything turned out better than I could have imagined! The most surprising part was the steak. I heated the oven to broil and put a stainless steel pan on the stove top with high heat. I lathered the steak up with vegetable oil, salt, pepper, and meat tenderizer. When the mashed potatoes were done and my wife almost home, I put the steak on the pan for 30 seconds each side, then I put it in the oven for about 6 minutes. It smoked like crazy, but it tasted amazing! It was tender, warm red center, and no chewiness. It was probably the best steak I have ever had, and I loved the company even more! It was a simple, yet elegant night. We ate, relaxed, and watched the movie Pitch Perfect (great movie by the way).
Needless to say, this was the best Valentine's Day I've ever had in my life. It was not anything over the top or expensive, we didn't even get each other cards. However, it was the simple fact that we chose to show our love to each other through small gifts, serving each other, and spending quality time together as husband and wife.
Tonight is the Sadie Hawkins Dance. It is going to be a great night, and we'll be going out to eat, dancing the night away, and having a good time with some of our closest friends. Here's to a good night and another great day to be living and enjoying God's creation!

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