More and more I am realizing my fallen state of being, and as I witness this sinful nature in me, I am more aware of just how deceitful the world is. Every part of life we humans partake in is coated with a layer of fake goodness and temporary joy. I see millions jumping from one celebration to the next. They devote their lives to living from event to event. Sadly, churchgoers have become the same way with God. We work all week looking forward to Sunday where we can see all our friends and get our "holy high" for the next week. Romans 3 states, "There is no one righteous, not even one... there is no one who does good, not even one." The world and believers (including me) have lost sight of what Paul is saying. Ironically, our fallen nature would like us to think we are good, because if we can convince ourselves that we are good, then sin has a foothold into all other areas of our life. Let's start by admitting that we are by nature sinful and evil creatures, and from there live our lives as sanctified followers of Jesus.
Reading Romans 3 really opened my eyes, not just to the truth written above, but also to what the Lord has planned for my life. I now know and realize that there is nothing I love more than to read through Scripture and pull out truth for myself and others. I enjoy finding new refreshing things in God's Word and sharing them with other people. I do believe God is showing me that in my future somehow I need to be doing this more often with other believers. I do not know where, how, when, or on what scale, but I know God has placed this on my heart and I will follow wherever He leads.
Here's to trusting God and following Him no matter what!
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